For His Glory
As Christians, we serve a God who has promised to show His glory in all the earth through His children. I believe how He does this is to cause us to manifest the power that is in His word. To set us apart.
And as we know, it isn’t enough for us to just proclaim that Yahweh is the only God and He alone can save. There has to be an actual demonstration of that fact for unbelievers to see and believe.
At the original Passover, the LORD passed through the land of Egypt and the angel of death wreaked havoc in the homes of every single Egyptian family without leaving any out.
But the Israelites who had the blood of the lamb on their door posts, living in Goshen in the same Egypt, were not touched. Not a single one of their families.
Now, this is an undeniable demonstration of God’s promises to preserve His own through any plagues or devastation.
Be Encouraged:
Nothing brings Yahweh more glory than for His children to display His faithfulness. Your preservation, not your destruction, can only cause His name to be praised.
During this highly significant Passover season, you and your family who are under the covering of the blood of Yeshua will be passed over by evil, deaths, destruction and plague.
Remain under the blood, and you shall be preserved. The whole world will see and the name of Yahweh will be glorified, thereby drawing many to Himself!

Father, thank You because you are the same God who preserved Your children those many years ago through the blood of an animal. But today, You do the same through the blood of Your only begotten Son.
As we celebrate Passover this season, You will again do that which only You do best. Preserve us and our households in this worldwide pandemic.
By the blood of Yeshua which marks us, we are passed over by the destruction and death in Jesus’ mighty name. #Selah.
Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤
Amen ..Praise the Lord