Father Is Greater and Mightier


Father Is Greater and Mightier

Posted OnJanuary 20, 2021 0

It is very easy for an adult to snatch something away from a little child. For one, the adult is wiser than the child. Not only this, they are also stronger and can easily pry anything away from the child’s hand.

On the other hand, pitch an adult against another and the story changes. It becomes a case of who is the stronger one or the mightier one who can hold on to whatever it is they are both striving for.

Our souls are being fought for on a daily basis, whether we are Christians or not. One of the two forces which operate in the realm of the spirit holds each and every one of our souls and they don’t want to let go.

For those who are not born again, they have given their souls to the devil who holds them and doesn’t want to let go. For us who have given our souls to Christ, He also holds us strong and will never let go.

No matter who hard the adversary strives to snatch us away from His hands, it will not prosper because we are being held by the greater and mightier One.

You were the prize Jesus went to the cross for. Nothing, not even Satan in all his cunningness is powerful enough to snatch you away from His hand!

As He holds you, don’t fear the antics of the forces of darkness that you can see at work. Trust Yahweh to take you through this life successfully.

Not only will He keep us, He will also keep every other soul that comes to Him through us and those that He gives to us.


Father, there is so much assurance in knowing that You hold us in Your hands and will never let us go.

Please help us to remain at peace knowing that nothing and no one can snatch us away from You in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*

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