Evaluate Your Associations
We are created to be social beings. To have associations. When God created man and saw how sad for him it was to be alone, He created a good associate for him to keep him company.
His made it so that the company would be helpful to man in fulfilling God’s own plan and purpose for man. So, the company that God Himself ordained for our lives is meant to help build us and not tear us down.
We are meant to have associations that will support us into achieving Father’s divine purpose for our lives. And we need to constantly evaluate these associations. This is to ensure that we have not surrounded ourselves with faith and purpose drainers.
This is because, just as the LORD places people in our lives to help us, so the devil can also orchestrate associations that are meant to delay or derail our life’s purpose.
If the company you keep drains your faith rather than build it, then it’s time to change company! In the same way, don’t be the hole draining your company’s faith. Aspire to be a builder of faith.
Just as we need others to help build us, so we also should help build others. So it’s time to evaluate: who are those that I keep close or listen to? Faith builders? Or faith drainers? Also, which one of these am I to others?

Father, thank you for giving us opportunities to be helped by, and also help others. Thank you for still preserving for yourself, people who are like You and also seek after You.
Do please help us to make the right choices in those we journey with so that our associations can help build us in faith and purpose. Also help us to build and help others in their purpose too in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020