Empowered To Do.


Empowered To Do.

Actions, they say, speak louder than words. This to me means that actual demonstration is more convincing than just talking about it.

We know that Jesus demonstrated the power of God everywhere He went. His life was a complete show of the fact the the Father was with Him. Healings, deliverances, raising the dead, causing repentance and so on.
The first apostles also did the same. Just as the saw Jesus did, so did they. The demonstration of power that accompanied their ministries made it fully evident that Christ was with them.
Your life also, in every way is meant to show the power of God. You don’t even have to vocalise it. Your fruits speak louder than your words. Seek earnestly for a fruitful life that is a product of the power of God at work in you.
In this way, you can be the child of your heavenly Father indeed.

I pray that as we seek the face of God, we will be will be empowered not only to speak with all manner of wisdom and knowledge but also to do and to demonstrate His power, in Yeshua’s name. #Selah

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤

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