Empowered For Obedience
When God gives us instructions on how to live, what to do and when to do certain things, He expects obedience. For His children, obedience is a criteria to accessing many of the blessings that He has for us.
When we do His will, He promised us blessings that will always come after us to overtake us. Blessings that will cause us and all around us to wonder. We will be blessed so much that people will ask us how!
All this, just from being obedient. What the LORD asks of us believers is love. Consuming and complete love for Him and also to love our neighbours as ourselves. This seems simple, right?
This ask, however, is not the easiest to fulfil. It’s sounds ever so simple and easy, but practically, the hardest things to do. To love completely a God that you cannot see, but takes faith to believe that He exists.
To love our neighbours, without exception, good or bad, loving or hateful, caring or uncaring, just as we love ourselves? This is a rather big ask from humans if you ask me.
Even some angels have fallen short of these commandments and that’s why they were cast out of heaven with Satan. We certainly cannot do this in our own strength.
And Yahweh knows this. That’s why He gave us His Holy Spirit who strengthens and empowers us to be able to obey His decrees. Obedience to God’s decrees comes only by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in you.
So knowing this, and armed with the desire to do God’s will, you need to seek to be all of the Holy Spirit and none of yourself. We cannot fulfil the high standards required of us except by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Father, thank You for the Helper You gave to us in Your Holy Spirit. He is the One working in us to desire and also to do Your will.
We seek for Him to be preeminent in our lives. We desire all of Him and none of ourselves. Let His will, counsel and purpose work out of us as we are His temple.
Teach and empower us to be obedient to Father’s decrees, all our lives in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020