Don’t Be A Statistic


Don’t Be A Statistic

Posted OnNovember 1, 2019 0

On a daily basis we come in contact with different people who carry different spirits. And as children of God, it is necessary for us to be highly discerning of the people we are dealing with.

Some people are there to help us, while others are there to cause us to stumble. They can make us stumble in words, in thoughts or in how we react.
This could cause us to miss out on our blessings and breakthroughs, depending on how we respond. We need to be careful!
Be discerning! Beware and don’t be a statistic for the evil ones looking to make up their number of evil deeds for the day. Steer clear of their web.

May the LORD grant us discernment and the presence of mind not to respond to evil goadings to cause us to react inappropriately in Yeshua’s name. #Selah

Have favourable day. Agape ❤

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