Daily Words of Wisdom


Daily Words of Wisdom

Posted OnMarch 25, 2019 0


Hello! Happy Monday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W

A word of comfort, hope and encouragement from the Lord to all who need it at this time. The Lord chose to redeem us and bless us from the foundations of the earth and His thoughts towards us are of peace. His desire for us is to live in abundance of everything and for our hearts to overflow with joy. Believe it, profess it, walk in it and see it.

I testify today the Yahweh will cause me to overflow with peace and prosperity. He will comfort me because He has chosen me as His beloved. This is my heritage as a child of the most high God and I establish it in my life in Yeshua’s mighty name. Amen!

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤️.

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