Catalyst For Miracles.


Catalyst For Miracles.

There is absolutely nothing that we bring to Yahweh in prayers through faith in His son Jesus Christ that He will not do. God’s children are made to naturally display signs and wonders, miracles and victorious living.
The nature of Christ that is in us is the assurance that we can do exactly what He did while He was here on earth, and He also promised that we will do even greater works. We will heal the sick, raise the dead, open blinded eyes, speak a word and it is established, speak into the atmosphere, and the elements obey!
We can do so much more through Christ who strengthens us. But we need to have firm and constant faith in God. Your faith is the catalyst for your miracles. Where there is little or no faith, miracles are scarce.

I pray for an activation within us, of a resolute, never doubting faith in God and in His word. May we begin to see the manifestations of the power and of the Holy Spirit as we proclaim the word of life, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a supernaturally blessed day! Agape ❤.

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