Blessings Forever Established
Today, we celebrate the day that Christ our LORD made that ultimate sacrifice of Himself, as a once and for all Passover Lamb. No longer do we need to shed the blood of animals each year. We are completely free!
With His sacrifice came an immense amount of blessings, glory, power, salvation, life eternal and so on and so forth. And this is the LORD’s doing which is absolutely marvellous to us.
And when the LORD does anything, it is forever. It cannot be taken away, it cannot be added to, neither can anything be taken away from it. It just flows and flows, and continues to flow. Life and blessings eternal.
This is a blessing that He has bestowed upon all who will accept it from Him. We have also freely received it because we didn’t have to ask or beg for it. It was a need recognised by heavens, and a need met by the heavens. The manifestation of His mercies.
Be Encouraged:
The blessings of God upon your life is the evidence of His mercies towards you. No one can take it away from you. Neither can they add any sorrow to it for you. It’s final!
So, your eternal life, your joy, your healing and protection including everything within the salvation package is yours to keep for all of eternity if you so choose. You must walk in the full realisation and manifestation of this.
You are blessed, there is no power of hell that can change that! Live it and manifest it!

Oh Father, what joy, peace and assurance comes from knowing everything that Jesus bought for me with His blood is completely and totally mine and no one can take it away from me.
Thank you for this reassurance of Your love and mercy towards me. I feel so free knowing that I am loved to such an unimaginable extent. Thank you Jesus!
Please help me to live all my life with this assurance guarding my heart and soul with the peace that comes only from You. Keep me from the any form of fear of losing all that You have given me in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a marvellous day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤