Be Free Indeed
When God calls us out of darkness into His marvellous light, He gives us spiritual freedom to establish our freedom in the physical realm. There are steps we will need to take in order to be free indeed.
Gideon was called and reassured by God that he was a deliverer for his nation. The mantle of a mighty man of war was given to him, but he needed to use that mantle in order for his might to be fully displayed and for it to be useful in accomplishing its purpose.
Gideon could have chosen to allow the evil altars in his father’s house to remain while he just goes about fighting wars and delivering the nation. However, he had to break down those altars first, in order to allow for the will of God to start in his father’s house.
Similarly, every called child of God has been given the mantle of ensuring that not only are we saved, but that every prevailing evil in our families are broken down completely. This ensures that our generations are free indeed.
God does not work by individuals, but by generations. When one individual in a family sees the light, the expectation is for that individual to spread the light throughout their generations.
Freedom returns to us the power to make choices as to how we live our lives. You could choose to either stand as truly free or allow yourself and your generations to become enslaved again.
It’s time to break down any prevailing evil in your past generations. As you’ve seen the light, pave the way for the light to continue throughout your future generations. Make them free indeed!

Father, thank You for delivering us from every power of evil practices and idol worshiping. We have seen the light because You have opened our eyes.
As we proceed to pull down every evil altar in our past generations, we receive angelic assistance to establish Your righteousness and holiness in our present and future generations.
Honour us, grant us victory and we will be free indeed in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*