Be Content, You’re on a Journey.


Be Content, You’re on a Journey.

Posted OnApril 9, 2016 0

Godliness with contentment is great gain! 1Tim 6:6

A word for somebody .…

Are you becoming battle weary and want to give up? Has your promised change taken so long you now feel like it’s never gonna come?

Hold on! Don’t let go of your hope just yet!

It pays to be Godly and be content with where you are today knowing that God will lift you to where He wants you to be in His own good time. Make the most of where you are right now because precept upon precept, line upon line, The Lord is working on you to take you to His ultimate goal for your life.

Do not despair thinking the Lord delays. While you wait He’s perfecting you, making you ready and ensuring your heart will stay with Him when you eventually get to where He has purposed for you. Stay with Him, hold on for your change will surely come. Has He made you promises of greatness? Then rest your mind in the assurance the He will make sure they come to pass for He never says a thing and changes His mind.

You will get there, only don’t give up. I pray the peace of Jesus which passes all human understanding into every heart reading this today. Amen!


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