Acts of Worship


Acts of Worship

Oh the joy of bringing to God our daily sacrifices of praise, worship and adoration! It is such a privilege to be able to worship Yahweh, the God of the heaven and earth.

We can lift up our holy hand, we can stand or lie prostrate before Him, we can sing wonderful words of our devotion to Him and simply be completely lost in His presence!
It’s always an amazing experience when we can lose ourselves in His glorious presence. And the Lord loves it when we bring these sacrifices to Him. He absolutely enjoys it when His children worship Him in this way.
But do you know that your act of worship does not consist only of kneeling and lifting up holy hands with beautiful worship songs? Your worship is also your acts of kindness and godliness in everything you do.
The manner in which you relate with others, help, support, give to them and every good thing you do for God’s children are all considered as your worship. In fact these acts please Father more than just the singing.
Anyone can sing and anyone can lift up their hands, but it takes a true worshipper to actually demonstrate their worship through acts of kindness and justice. It’s time to not just look the part, or vocalise it, but to also be it.

May Yahweh give us all understanding that His children mean a lot to Him. And that everything we do for them, He considers a favour to Him which He will repay. #Selah

Have a wonderful day. Agape ❤

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