Evil Hand Will Not Prevail
Kings represent authority and rule over a people, city or region. They are in place to look after the welfare of the people that they rule. They are meant to serve the people with the power they possess.
This is what our LORD Yeshua came to demonstrate to us as our King. Anyone in a place of authority and leadership also has this responsibility. You don’t have to be literal king to have been given rule over others.
A ruler should submit to God and rule in accordance to Yahweh’s ordinances. Any king or leader who does not submit to Yahweh is at risk of reigning in tyranny and oppressing the people.
Those in authority over us have a mandate to fight for us and use their power to protect and provide for us. But they can also use the same power to oppress. They can stretch their hand against us for evil.
They may want to stand against your progress or manifestation of God’s will for your life. They may see a special grace on you which they should nurture and help to grow, but they may try to suppress the grace instead.
But the LORD is against such and will not allow their tyranny go unpunished in your life. They have abused their position or authority and will face the judgement of Yahweh.

Every evil hand that is outstretched against you, commanding you to be held bound will dry up and stiffen up. There will be no restoration for them unless they repent and return to seek Yahweh’s favour from you in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin, July 2021*