Trials For Growth


Trials For Growth

Posted OnMay 8, 2020 0

Temptation and evil never originate from God our Father of Light in whom there’s no evil whatsoever. He is pure and His way is that of righteousness.

The first man, Adam allowed temptation and sin into our world when they succumbed to the temptation of the serpent. And since then, the human race has been plagued with all sorts of evil and temptation.

Some even accuse God of being the cause of the evil in our world, because they feel He could have stopped them. God has however given us free will with which He wouldn’t tamper. You have to be able to choose between life and death, good and evil.

“But when you choose good, you still face trials and challenges!” I can hear you say. Yes we do and God allows this for a reason. Even our LORD Jesus faced a whole lot of temptation, trials and challenges.

He was tempted in the wilderness. But He resisted and right after that, the bible says He returned with so much power and then, His ministry started in earnest.

Also, there were the false accusations, the opposition from the religious leaders, the lies that were told against Him, and finally the temptation of having to go to the cross.

In all this, He never for once settled for evil. And He waxed stronger and stronger until He ultimately prevailed against death and grave, and winning many brethren to Himself even today.

Be Encouraged …

Even though God doesn’t tempt us, He still allows trials. Without trials, growth is stunted. Without growth maturity into sonship is unattainable.

The only way we can mature into the full stature of Christ is to, like Him, endure and overcome trials and tribulations. We have everything it takes.

As soon as we surrender ourselves to Him, we are endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit who strengthens us to withstand in the evil day!

Wait on the LORD, He will renew your strength. This too shall pass! Be encouraged through trials.


Father, we thank You because our days and everything we will pass through in our lifetimes are all known to You. Nothing about us is ever hidden from Your sight.

Grant us strength to stay true and endure through trials of life. Help us to use the as spurs to growth. We will not put our hand to the plough and look back because of afflictions. But we will endure to the end so we shall be saved, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤️

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