Finishing Strong


Finishing Strong

The race of life for most of us is a long distance race. It’s not like a 100m dash that you run and finish really quickly. There is a know how to running long distance races.

You’ve got to pace yourself, start slow, build up the pace, slow down and catch your breath when you need to, but keep moving. Don’t stop or give up in the middle of the race. It’s only those who finish that get the finished badge.
Finishing strong doesn’t always mean fast or first. It means enduring the race and getting over the finish line no matter how tiring or tedious the race gets.
Unlike athletes, we don’t get to rehearse and build our endurance for the race of life. We only get one chance at it and we can’t go back to re-run. We don’t know what is waiting just around the bend, but whatever it is, we need to keep moving.
It’s not how you start or even continue. It’s how you finish that matters. No matter what we face along life’s journey we’ve got to keep up the pace.
Slow down if you need to. But don’t stop, keep moving, keep enduring and finish strong. Salvation is for those who finish strong. Stay strong!

Father LORD, please strengthen all who are weary at this time. Breathe Your breath of life on them and renew their strength that they may endure life race with You till the end, by Your Spirit in Yeshua’s name. #Selah.

Have a blessed day. Agape ❤

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