Becoming Like Him


Becoming Like Him

Posted OnOctober 7, 2019 0

We live in a world governed by the mentality of doing your own thing, your own way and it doesn’t matter who gets hurt in the process. As long as we achieve our goals, we couldn’t care less how unfairly we have dealt with others.

We favour some people who fit the picture of what we want and disregard the grace on others just because we don’t like them for one reason or another.
We forget to fear the LORD and His retribution. In fact, we sometimes do this things “in the name of the LORD,” while He does not reckon with these acts at all!
Remember that everything we do to anyone of Yahweh’s children will be accounted for, even those this we do with the wrong motives or in pretence.
Let the fear of the LORD guide your actions. Be fair. Fairness is Yahweh’s nature, and you will be just like Him when you judge and treat people fairly!

I pray that our hearts will be guided towards truly loving others in the household of faith just as we love ourselves. Father please help us to treat others fairly and without any pretentious motives, in Yeshua’s name. #Selah.

Have a blessed day. Agape ❤

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