Daily Words of Wisdom


Daily Words of Wisdom

Posted OnMarch 20, 2019 0

Hello! Happy Wednesday. Here’s your Daily WoW:

So you have an impossible situation. That problem, you’ve been told is never gonna go away. That issue, they said it’s for a lifetime. That health challenge, the report says there’s no cure and it’ll shorten your life here on earth. That mind oppression, you just have to manage it because nothing will ever make it go away! That child, causing you sleepless nights …
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the God who spoke to His servant by the Red Sea and it parted, the God who rained fire from heaven to consume Elijah’s sacrifice, showing up and shaming the other gods. The same God who touched the blind man with dust and spit and they could see. The Lord whose virtue flowed through His clothes to heal the woman with the issue of blood. The Lord who spoke to the storm, and it obeyed and was still. The Lord who stood by the grave of a stinking decaying dead man, spoke and brought him back to life. The all powerful omnipotent God to whom nothing is impossible! He’s our only hope. If only we would seek Him fervently! May Yahweh help us all to know how and when to seek Him. #Selah

Have a great day. Agape ❤️

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