Your Future is Well Planned Out
Knowledge of the future is something that many of us seek after. We want to know what lies ahead of us, even though that knowledge may not have been given to us.
Many of us will go to any extent to find out what will happen to us. We want to know, even for our children, what they will become. We want the assurance that everything will turn out favourably for us or see how we can change anything in our future that isn’t favourable.
Some people use any means to find this knowledge, diabolical means or seeking prophets who we believe their eyes have been opened to see these things. Their thirst for the knowledge of their future seeking to be quenched!
We however have assurance that our future has been well thought of and well planned out. Our future is not a mystery to Yahweh, our Creator.
Your future is not something God is scrambling to unravel and work out as you go along. Jehovah Shammah has gone ahead of you into your future and your eternity. He’s worked it all in your favour already!
Stop worrying about what lies ahead, but rejoice that the Father who called you to Himself has worked it all out for you. No matter what lies ahead, Jehovah Shammah is there with you.

Father, thank You because Your thoughts and plans for our future stand sure. Nothing can change that which You have planned for our lives.
Give us hearts that look to only you for the manifestation of Your good thoughts and plans for our lives. Give us rest from worrying about our future or that of our Children’s in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020