The Good Boss
If you have a good boss, they will always back you up with anything that you do in line with the company policy. As long as you have followed the rules of the book and can prove it, you will have your boss’s backing.
Not only will they back you, they will always listen when you need their help. They will hear and come to your aid. You will get the advise and help you need to fulfil your duties as a good and hard working member of their staff.
In the same way, not only is Yahweh a good boss, He a good good Father. He will not ask you to work for Him, follow His policies, do everything right by the Book and then abandon you when you need His support.
No faithful servant of Yahweh’s will not be heard whenever they call upon Him. He will always listen and come to your aid.
God has made us priests and kings to Himself. Every priest who serves the LORD’s purpose faithfully will never do so in vain. Everyone who worships Him in spirit and truth is sure to have the ears of Yahweh Himself.
He will hear you in the days of trouble. He will hear you in the heat of your battles. And He hears every sound spoken or unspoken within your heart. So also, He will help to guide you to do even more of His will.
If any accuser dares to take you to a tribunal, He will be your advocate and prove that not only have you done everything by the Book, you also have been acquitted of all shortcomings by the blood of Jesus.
Continue to be faithful. Keep doing and walking in Father’s will. Call upon Him at all times. Do all by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Yahweh will do the rest for you!

Father, thank You because we do not serve You for nothing. Heaven takes note of all our faithfulness and will rise for us in our times of need.
Please help us to rest in the knowledge that You always hear us when we call. And also help us to stay faithful in all our ways that we may continue to have Your ears, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020