Pursue, Overtake, Recover All & Share!
Yahweh is a community minded God. When He blesses someone or delivers them, He doesn’t do it just for that person’s sake. He does it so that others can also partake of that blessing.
When the LORD wants to deliver a whole family, He may start with just one person who will then go on to spread the blessings of that deliverance to everyone else.
When a city is to be revived, God can start with one person or a handful of people. They will then carry that torch and spread the fire all over that city or nation or even the whole earth for that matter.
George Floyd is not the first person to be killed by racist police officers. His video was not the first to be seen all over the internet. But sad and disturbingly final his death is, it is causing a revival everywhere against racism.
Now, this is an extreme example of how death can bring a global change. But for individuals, God will cause us to overtake our enemies to prevail over their plunder of our lives.
When you catch up and retrieve all that the enemies of God have stolen from your life, you will have more than enough of the spoil to share with your friends. Pursue, overtake and recover all!
So when you have pursued your enemies, overtaken them and recovered all your blessings, remember to share of that blessings of deliverance with others around you.
Don’t hold on to it for yourself. The deliverance of God in your life is so that others can also be delivered and blessed. So how are you using your freedom in Christ to also free others?

Father, please teach us to know that every blessing, deliverance and victory is for us to share with others so they can also partake of them.
Help us to be community minded. Let’s not just hoard everything that You’re doing in our lives for ourselves only in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️.
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020