One Purpose, Different Means
I dare say that for every Christ believing child of God, we have only one purpose here on earth. We may have different means and ways of fulfilling that purpose, but there’s only one thing that we have been called to.
Our purpose is to cover the earth with the glory of God, just as the waters cover the sea. We glorify Him through our worship and dedication to Him. We glorify Him when we establish His Kingdom here on earth. And we also glorify Him by warning and saving the human race from the judgement which is to come.
However, we can achieve this in different ways. We may have been called to the five-fold ministry, or we may be helpers. Some may achieve this in the marketplace or as home makers, training and building the next generation in the counsel of Yahweh.
Or we may have been called to governance where we wield power and authority to push for laws and regulations that glorify the Father. Whatever we have been called to, do we make this one purpose the most important thing on our lives?
Whatever you live for shows what you count as important. Your job, accumulating wealth or your divine purpose and ministry … which would you choose?
We can have a job, but do we let the job have us? We can build and accumulate wealth, but have we lost ourselves in the process. Do we still keep Jesus and His Kingdom at the centre of all that we do?

Father, thank You for giving us all a divine purpose in You. Thanks for counting us worthy of the honour to make Your glory known and established in all the earth.
Please help us to stay focused on achieving this one purpose by whatever means You give to us. Help us not to be distracted from this so that Your Kingdom may come and Your will alone may be done in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020