Never Out of Father’s Reach
Have you ever seen movies where natural disasters like a hurricane, fire or a flood is advancing towards the characters and they’re trying to outrun it so they’re not caught in it? This is exactly how I sometimes feel when going through some challenging times.
I just want to run and get away from it all as quickly as I can. My sense of self preservation kicks in and outrunning my issues is foremost on my mind.
I’m sure many people also feel the same way when they feel like life is about to flood us or carry them away like the whirlwind. David also felt like this when he fled from Saul’s anger and hatred for him. He could not see how even the anointing he carried could preserve him from death at the hand of the king.
Challenging times can make you want to run and hide. But you can never outrun the love of The Father, neither can you ever hide from His outstretched saving hand. There is nowhere for us to hide from the love of Yahweh.
Always remember that no matter what you go through or how far you run from your issues, you’re never out of Father’s reach and He is mighty to save!

Father, thank you for Your love and mighty hand that preserves us through every single challenge of life that comes our way. It doesn’t matter how overwhelmed we feel, You’re never too far to save us.
Please help us to continue to trust you above how we feel or what we can see. Grant us peace in knowing that Your hand is mighty to save us from it all in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*