Mercy Will Restore Our Health
It is typical that we generally grade our response to situations. Until a situation becomes really severe, needing the intervention of a higher power after defying other milder solutions, we generally don’t seek the GOD’s intervention.
When we started hearing about this COVID-19 killing people of Wuhan, China, all I could hear was people blaming them for bringing this upon themselves. How they deserved what they got.
I, however, never heard of people rising to pray for them. Never heard of widespread call for prayers for our fellow Chinese neighbours. Maybe there were some who did pray, but certainly not as widespread as I would have expected.
Little did we know that the ‘fire’ of COVID-19 was coming to our own borders. And that it would actuality hit us worse than it’s done our Chinese neighbours.
We only start to seek answers when things have already gone wrong. If we would seek God and His will early and during the time of peace, when trouble comes, we would already be equipped and ready with answers.
There is a need for repentance for any way in which we have not demonstrated the love of Christ towards those dying in distress. Then the LORD will show us mercy and send us help in our own time of need. There is balm in Gilead. But only mercy can apply it to restore our health and deliver us from the evil clutches of an evil virus.

Father, please forgive us if, in any way, we have not shown compassion towards others when they were suffering. We repent of any way in which we remained indifferent to them, not seeking Your face on their behalf.
As we repent, please stay the hand of the same evil from our own borders. Help us in our time of need and have mercy on us. Restore health to our lands as mercy applies the healing balm of Gilead to our wounds in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020