Happiness That Leads to Joy
Joy is a far deeper feeling than happiness and it comes from spiritual connection to God and people. That’s why we were commanded to love God and love others as ourselves. This is the pathway to joy – sacrificial love.
Happiness, on the other hand, is based on activities or actions, events or happenings. It, therefore, can be fleeting because when things are not going in the way that you’d like, you will not be happy.
There is only one pathway to lasting happiness. When you take this path, according to the word of God, all things will work in your favour. That means events, activities and happenings around you will always turn out for your good.
Obedience to GOD’s word with a pure heart is the only pathway to lasting happiness. Doing it any other way will, at best, only give you fleeting moments of happiness.
Being happy with your life and how things are going with you will eventually lead to to the place of intense joy. This is because you will be free to connect with God and other people in a way that you otherwise wouldn’t. You will be free to give of yourself sacrificially without expecting anything in return.
What have you got to lose? Nothing! But you have so much to gain. Make it a point to be obedient to God’s word and see how this changes your life.

Father, thank You for Your word is true, practical and it contains all that we need for life and godliness. Your word is truly complete.
Please give us hearts that seeks after Your word as our daily bread. Help us to obey it entirely, and as we do that, let us see the full benefits of the word turning our lives around for good. May our obedience to Your word lead us to lasting happiness and place of intense joy and peace in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a joyful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020