Faith and Patience
Faith has been likened to a seed, a mustard seed. When you plant a seed, you nurture it, water it, give it nutrients and ensure it has the right atmosphere for its growth.
Seeds require a particular climate to grow. Plant an apple seed in a tropical climate and you have so much work on your hands for it to grow. Plant a mango tree in the same climate and it’s a walk in the park!
So if you’re believing God for divine health, surround yourself with scriptures, teachings and people that will help your faith in that area. Whatever it is, make sure the climate for it is right.
Your seed also doesn’t grow the same day you plant it. Faith requires patience, a lot of it. Don’t settle for an inferior immediate reward. Suffer long to receive faith’s great and lasting reward.
You will eventually get what you’re believing God for, but wait for it. Patience is a good virtue to have when walking with the LORD.

I pray for everyone who has faithfully trusted in you LORD, waiting patiently for their miracles. Manifest Your power in their situations. And give them the reward for their faith in you and in Your word, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have joyful day. Agape ❤
Thanks dear, what such a beautiful and timely message.
Amen! All glory to God!!