Daily Words of Wisdom.
Hi there! Happy Friday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W
The love of God is so extremely extravagant and extraordinary that every human being on earth can find protection in it. So great is His love for us all.
So, no matter what is going on around you, take solace in the fact that Yahweh loves you and will protect you. Don’t allow any feelings of condemnation stop you from taking refuge in His love for His love for you is far greater than your mistakes. He wades in and rights every wrong when we give Him permission.
Father I surrender to Your extraordinary, extravagant love for me. I take refuge in Your love. Take away any feelings of unworthiness and condemnation and replace it with the awareness Your ever abounding love. I soar in the freedom that Your love gives me, now and forever. In Yeshua’s mighty name. Amen #Selah.
Have a lovely day. Agape