Boldy Stay In the Race
There is no denying that we may experience some things in life that will shake us to the foundation of everything we believe and trust in. These events can cause us to doubt and question the existence or faithfulness of God.
In fact, some people have stopped believing in God’s goodness and faithfulness because of some bad things that they have been through. Sad as this is, one cannot judge them. Only they know what they have been through to bring them to that point.
But, having said this, the fact remains that God is good and faithful. Just like an earthly Father, He wants to shield us completely from these things.
But how can we grow and learn, how will we experience His power and faithfulness if He doesn’t let us see some of these things?
How can we know His presence if we do not pass through the valley of the shadow of death? And how can He set a table in the presence of our enemies if we don’t have any?
Every experience that we go through in life brings with it a life lesson. We can either learn and grow with the lessons, or we can continue to make the same mistakes and never move forward in life.
Through it all, we must never give up on God and be patient to see the end of what He is doing in us. Remain courageous in the face of adversity. Keep waiting, no matter how long the process has been.
Let your heart be continually filled with faith by the word of God. Run whatever race that has been set before you faithfully in order to receive the prize at the end of it all!

Father, I pray that You will give us the fortitude to bear and learn from all of life’s lessons. Instead of these to break us, help us to learn from them.
Teach us to use them as boulders that take us to higher levels in our lives. Let ever fainting heart be revived. Let all discouraged and burdened soul be lightened. Help us to see You working it all out perfectly in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020