Blessed, Never Cursed!


Blessed, Never Cursed!

There is a tendency to feel cursed when life is going tough or we seem to be going through a rough patch where one bad thing seems to be happening after another. We may see these times as signs that we are not blessed and that life has been cursed for us.

Nothing is further from the truth for children of God who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Yes, life may be tough for now, or rough patches may come to us, but that never negates the blessing of God on our lives. The Lord will never change His mind about you. No one can ever make Him change His mind about you. You are blessed, and that is final! He that God has blessed, nothing and no one can curse.
WE however have challenges that we go through in life, but Jesus assured us in His word that come what may, He has overcome for us. Even that is a blessing. So rejoice and celebrate your blessed status as a believer!


May our lives begin to display the blessings and the glory of Yahweh and may the decree of God’s blessings upon us stand despite our challenges or difficulties, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a blessed and wonderful day. Agape ❤

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