Mind Your Mind


Mind Your Mind

Posted OnOctober 25, 2019 0

Our words reflect our thoughts. What we say about ourselves indicate what we think of ourselves. Similarly, what we say about others is our opinion of them in our minds.

When you have good and positive thoughts about yourself, you say good and positive words, and your life produces positive fruits. That is because there is creative powers in our thoughts and words.
Even if the enemy tries to sow evil seeds, it will not thrive because you have not created a conducive environment for them in your mind.
When we produce good fruits, we glorify the Father and his word comes to pass in our lives. We establish His will and it brings Him so much joy.
So, take great care of your insides. Mind the thoughts your mind dwells on. Your words will automatically reflect who you truly are inside.

May the Lord give us wisdom to ensure that we keep our thoughts and words in alignment with His thought and words concerning us in Yeshua’s name. #Selah

Have beautiful day. Agape ❤

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